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Trial of the Pilgrim

Quest to acquire occupation change item, 'Mark of the Pilgrim.' Santiago says those who wish to practice divine powers must understand their nature through a process called the Trial of the Pilgrim. The myths that have been passed down are all false, and you must learn about the gods from the very beginning. Follow Santiago's orders, as you must visit Seer Tanapi in Orc village and listen to what he has to say about the god of fire, Paagrio.


  1. Talk to Hermit Santiago (Orc Barracks).
  2. Talk to Seer Tanapi.
  3. Talk to Ancestor Martankus. By l2hub
  4. Talk to Priestess of the Earth Geraldine. You must give him
    Icon Item Adena
  5. Talk to Wanderer Dorf.
  6. Talk to Priestess of the Earth Geraldine to be refunded your
    Icon Item Adena
  7. Talk to Priest Primos. By l2hub
  8. Talk to Priest Petron.
  9. Talk to Priest Petron.
  10. Talk to Andellia.
  11. Talk to Uruha.
  12. Talk to Andellia.
  13. Talk to Hermit Santiago, for 31000 EXP, 3700 SP and
    Icon Item Mark of Pilgrim
    Mark of Pilgrim
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Quest to acquire occupation change item, 'Mark of the Pilgrim.' Santiago says those who wish to practice divine powers must understand their nature through a process called the Trial of the Pilgrim. The myths that have been passed down are all false, and you must learn about the gods from the very beginning. Follow Santiago's orders, as you must visit Seer Tanapi in Orc village and listen to what he has to say about the god of fire, Paagrio.
Quest Facts
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