Return to Magister Hanellin. She will ask you do you want adena or you want to see the Emperor, You need to select "I want to make some money". If you choose the first item, then you will not be given the
White Fabric and you will get to Bayum only once, then you will have to go through the quest again.
Learning of your wish to work with your companions, Magister Hanellin gives you three flowers and orders you to distribute them to each of your companions and then come back to her.
Search by Yourself
You have decided to work alone.
Three Sacred Relics
Magister Hanelin asks that you meet with Claudia Athebaldt in Aden Castle Town, Martien in Giran Castle Town and Magister Harne in Dark Elven Village. At each meeting you will be given the location of an ark containing a sacred relic. They will mark on the map the location of each ark with a red flag. Once you find and retrieve a sacred relic, the red mark will disappear. Now, go and collect the three sacred relics. (If a flag disappears before you find a sacred relic, return to the person who marked its location on the map and make your inquiry again. The flag will reappear). If anything gets in your way, kill it and get the sacred relics.
Upon receiving the white flower Magister Hanellin gives you a letter and asks you to take it to Magister Harne in Dark Elven Village.
Owner of the Red Flower
Upon receiving the red flower Magister Hanellin gives you a letter and asks you to take it to Claudia Athebaldt in Aden Castle Town.
Owner of the Yellow Flower
Upon receiving the yellow flower Magister Hanellin gives you a letter and asks that you take it to Martien in Giran Castle Town.
In Search of Sacred Arks
Claudia Athebaldt explains that although she possesses the sacred chest she cannot open it, as it is being guarded by an angel. She requests that you kill the angel. Kill the ark guardian Elberoth.
Locked Sacred Ark
The sacred ark is locked. While examining the lock you are attacked by the ark guardian Elberoth.
Key of Sacred Ark
You have defeated Elberoth and retrieved the key to the sacred ark. Open it.
Book of Saint
You have unlocked the sacred ark and taken possession of the "Book of Saint". Gather up all three sacred relics and take them to Magister Hanellin in Aden Castle Town.
In Search of Sacred Arks
Martien explains that although the sacred ark has been located, it is being guarded by a werewolf wearing armor and cannot be opened. He requests that you destroy the ark guardian Shadowfang located near Tanor Canyon southwest of Giran Castle Town. Monster to hunt: ark guardian Shadowfang.
Locked Sacred Ark
The sacred ark is locked. As you are examining the lock, Shadowfang suddenly appears in front of you.
Key of Sacred Ark
You have slain Shadowfang and taken the key tp the ark from him. Open it.
Bough of Saint
You've opened the ark and acquired the bough of saint. Gather up all three sacred relics and take them to Magister Hanellin in Aden Castle Town.
In Search of a Sacred Ark
Magister Harne asks that you find a sacred ark hidden in the western Misty Mountains.
Corpse of the Guardian of the Sacred Ark
While examining the corpse of the ark guardian, an angel killer appears and claims that he killed the guardian.
Key of Sacred Ark
The angel killer tells you about a key hidden on the corpse of the guardian of the ark, and then disappears. Search the corpse for the key and open the sacred ark.
Blood of Saint
You have unlocked the ark and acquired the blood of saint. Gather up all three sacred relics and take them to Magister Hanellin in Aden Castle Town.
Magister Hanelin
You have obtained all three sacred relics. Go to Magister Hanellin in Aden Castle Town and ask her how to activate the angelic vortex.
The time for investigation has come!
You've obtained the three sacred relics and given them to Magister Hanelin. She says she needs time to investigate and asks you to go to a grocery store and buy five antidotes and a greater healing potion for her.
Magister Hanellin asks that you deliver the blood-soaked cloths to Sir Gustaf Athebaldt in Oren Castle Town, to Hardin in Hardin's Academy and Iason Heine in Heine.
As a reward for successfully completing the delivery, you are given the reward that was promised. Magister Hanellin asks if you would like to continue to work for her.
Blood Continues to Be Spilt.
Magister Hanellin gives you more white fabric and asks that you kill seal angels and guardian angels. Deliver 10 blood-soaked cloths and you'll receive another reward.
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