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Test of the Lord

Overlords are born, not made. to become an Overlord who also holds the position of Chief, the candidate must pass the Test of the Lord. The test to determine if you are worthy to become an Overlord has begun!


  1. Talk to Flame Lord Kakai (Orc Village).
  2. Talk to Trader Jakal. Pay him
    Icon Item Adena
    for the Axe Blade and buy
    Icon Item Bone Arrow
    Bone Arrow
    from him. By l2hub
  3. Talk to Seer Somak.
  4. Talk to Seer Manakia.
  5. Kill Breka Orc Shaman, Breka Orc Overlord to collect
    Icon Item Breka Orc Fang
    Breka Orc Fang
    . By l2hub
  6. Talk to Seer Manakia.
  7. Talk to Urutu Chief Hatos. By l2hub
  8. Talk to First Orc. By l2hub
  9. Talk to Flame Lord Kakai, for 91457 EXP, 2500 SP and
    Icon Item Mark of Lord
    Mark of Lord
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Totems of the Five Tribes
    Flame Lord Kakai says that you must meet all the chiefs of the five tribes, except Hestui and bring back their totems. The Atuba Chief, the Neruga Chief and the Urutu Chief can be found in the Royal Hall, the Duda-Mara Chief is in Oren Castle Town and the Gandi Chief is in Dion Castle Town.
  2. Return to the Flame Lord
    You've received the five totems from the five chiefs. Return to Flame Lord Kakai.
  3. Searching for an Ancestor
    Flame Lord Kakai orders you to go to Ancestor Martankus in the Cave of Trials. Pass his final test and then return.
  4. Kill the Ragna Orcs
    Ancestor Martankus says that you must kill Ragna Orcs and bring their heads as proof. Monsters to Hunt - Ragna Orc Prefects, Ragna Orc Seers
    Icon Item Ragna Orc Head
    Ragna Orc Head
  5. Return to Martankus
    You've brought the heads of the Ragna Orcs and found treasonous documents in their bodies. Take them to Ancestor Martankus.
  6. The First Orc
    You've done all that Ancestor Martankus asked of you. The very first Orc is coming to congratulate you personally! Will you meet with him?
  7. Return to Kakai
    The first Orc tells you an ancient secret and encourages you to become a Lord of the tribe in the future. Return to Flame Lord Kakai.
Quest Facts
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