Egg Delivery
Chef Jeremy is looking for someone to deliver boiled eggs to his customers.
- Talk to Chef Jeremy.
- Talk to Pulin.
- Talk to Naff.
- Talk to Crocus.
- Talk to Kuber.
By l2hub - Talk to Beolin.
- Return to Chef Jeremy, and get one reward: -Haste Potion andAdena x18800 -Recipe: Sealed Tateossian Ring(70%) -Recipe: Sealed Tateossian Earring (70%) -Recipe: Sealed Tateossian Necklace(70%)
Steps from the game client
- Delivery of Eggs - PulinYou've decided to become Jeremy's eggman. Deliver the boiled eggs to Pulin in the northeast part of the hot springs area.
- Delivery of Eggs - NaffYou've decided to become Jeremy's eggman. Deliver the boiled eggs to Naff in the center of the hot springs area.
- Delivery of Eggs - CrocusYou've decided to become Jeremy's eggman. Deliver the boiled eggs to Crocus in the west of the hot springs area.
- Delivery of Eggs - KuberYou've decided to become Jeremy's eggman. Deliver the boiled eggs to Kuber in the northwest of the hot springs area.
- Delivery of Eggs - BeolinYou've decided to become Jeremy's eggman. Deliver the boiled eggs to Beolin in the north of the hot springs area.
- Delivery of Eggs - To JeremyYou've worked hard and finished all of Jeremy's deliveries. Return to him and get your wages.
- Delivery of Eggs – To ValentineChef Jeremy says he doesn't have money and tells you to ask Valentine in the Town of Goddard for payment.
Quest Facts
- Quest ID: 621
- Level: 68
- Repeat: Yes
- Location: Hot Springs
- Start NPC:
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