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Saga of the Sword Muse

Oh, singer of the sword... Who taught you and who are you singing for?

Steps from the game client

  1. The Pilgrimage Begins
    The goddess Eva only teaches the power of song to Elves. A tablet exists somewhere with Eva's first lesson, but the one who knows where it is probably won't tell you...
  2. Find the Legendary Dish
    Blacksmith Feynn asks you to bring him some bitter cold beer. The only person who can make it is Master Chef Donath in the hot springs area of Goddard. Visit him.
  3. Searching for Ingredients
    Master Chef Donath needs ice crystals and a fat, white fish. You can get some ice crystals if you do what Chef Jeremy asks and get the fat, white fish from a fisherman with a skill level of 23 - 25.
  4. Completed Dish
    Master Chef Donath made you the bitter cold beer. Return to Blacksmith Feynn in the Town of Goddard.
  5. The First Communion
    You've got the Stone of Commune. Commune with the Tablet of Vision that is just south of the Tower of Insolence.
  6. Guardians of the Stone of Commune
    The Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge near the Tablet of Vision have the second Stone of Commune. Destroy them and take their Stone of Commune. Monsters to Hunt - Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge
  7. The Second Communion
    You've got the Stone of Commune from the Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge. Commune with the Tablet of Vision.
  8. Meaning of the Song
    After communing with the second tablet, you sense an old Elven singer blocking the third tablet. Read all you can about him and get ready for a vicious battle. Monster to Hunt - Sword Player Biel
  9. The Third Communion
    You defeated Biel and took the Stone of Commune. Her love of acclaim was her downfall... She lost touch with the true beauty of music! Commune with the third tablet now.
  10. A Time to Choose
    Beast Herder Tunatun has the fourth Stone of Commune. Visit him in the pastureland of Rune Territory and get it.
  11. Joining the Ketras
    To get the Divine Stone of Wisdom, you must gain the trust of the Ketra Orcs. Speak with Wahkan, their messenger.
  12. Joining the Varka Silenos
    To get the Divine Stone of Wisdom, you decided to help the Varka Silenos. Prove yourself to their messenger, Ashanuk, and gain the trust of the Varka Silenos.
  13. The Fourth Communion
    You've got the fourth Stone of Commune. Go to the fourth tablet and commune with it.
  14. Meet Cerenas
    Through the communion with the tablet, you've discovered Elven Priest in the Town of Goddard. Go meet Priest Cerenas.
  15. Halisha's Minions
    The Archon of Halisha has the fifth Stone of Commune. Lure the archon out by attacking his minions in the Shrine of Loyalty or attack him inside the Imperial Tomb. Monsters to Hunt - Shrine of Loyalty: Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knights, Shrine Guards, Archon of Halisha Imperial Tomb: Archon of Halisha
  16. The Fifth Communion
    You've got the fifth Stone of Commune. Now head to the fifth tablet. It is in the northwestern corner of the Wall of Argos.
  17. The Devil's Hand
    During the fifth communion, you see a devil waiting beside the sixth Tablet of Vision. Can you really fight against his power? Monster to Hunt - Fallen Angel Narcissus
  18. The Sixth Communion
    After defeating Fallen Angel Narcissus, Irene disappeared, leaving behind a Stone of Commune. Use it to perform the sixth communion.
  19. Reverberating Song
    A song is like a conversation with the world. The goddess teaches us how to communicate through song. Meet Master Raien of Aden Castle Town and talk about what you gained and lost during this pilgrimage.
  20. Preparation for Occupation Change
    You aren't skilled enough to actually do the things you've learned on your pilgrimage. Train until you reach level 76 and then return to Master Raien.
Quest Facts
  • Quest ID: 72
  • Repeat: No
  • Location:
  • Start NPC:
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