Long live the Pa'agrio Lord!
Pa'agrio Lord Kakai, the leader of all the Orcs, is sick! The elders have decided that each tribe will need to deliver a present to him to ensure he has a speedy recovery.
- Talk to Centurion Nakusin. You must talk to the 6 tribal leaders and get a gift from each.
- Talk to Atuba Chief Varkees. He gives youHoney Khandar.
- Talk to Tataru Zu Hestui. He gives youBear Fur Cloak.
- Talk to Trader Uska. He gives you anAncestor Skull.
- Talk to Gantaki Zu Urutu. He gives you aDeep Sea Orb.
- Talk to Trader Kunai. She gives youSpider Dust.
Steps from the game client
- Gifts from the Six TribesPa'agrio Lord Kakai, the ruler of all the Orcs, has fallen ill. The Centurions have decreed that each tribe shall offer him gifts to improve his health. Centurion Nakusin asks you to collect the offerings from the six tribes. You must meet with the following tribal representatives: Tataru Zu Hestui of the dignified Hestui tribe Chief Varkees of the cold-blooded Atuba tribe Warehouse Keeper Grookin of the formidable Neruga tribe Gantaki Zu Urutu of the strong-willed Urutu tribe Trader Kunai of the tactical Dudamara tribe Trader Uska of the ruthless Gandi tribe.Items:Honey Khandar x1,Bear Fur Cloak x1,Bloody Axe x1,Ancestor Skull x1,Spider Dust x1,Deep Sea Orb x1
- Return to NakusinYou have collected all of the tributes for Pa'agrio Lord Kakai. Take them to Centurion Nakusin.
Quest Facts
- Quest ID: 4
- Level: 2
- Repeat: No
- Race:
- Location: Orc Village
- Start NPC: