Pleas of Pixies
Many keltir and wolves have grown unusually large in the Elven Forest, and are now breaking the rules of nature by devouring nesting birds! The Pixy Queen is preparing some special magic to deal with them.
- Talk to Pixy Murika.
- Give thePredator's Fang to Pixy Murika, and get it as a random reward: -Emerald andRecipe: Spiritshot D -Recipe: Leather Boots andBlue Onyx -Onyx andHealing Potion -Glass Shard andLesser Healing Potion
Steps from the game client
- Collect FangsThe Queen of the Pixies is preparing a spell to protect nesting birds in the Elven Forest from keltirs and wolves. Pixy Murika has been ordered to collect the ingredients needed. She asks you to bring her 100 red keltir or gray wolf fangs. She will reward you with a sparkling stone that was found in the forest. Hunt young red keltirs, red keltirs, elder red keltirs and gray wolves.Items:Predator's Fang x100
- Return to Pixy MurikaYou have collected 100 fangs. Take them to Pixy Murika so that the birds in the Elven Forest can be protected.
Quest Facts
- Quest ID: 266
- Level: 3
- Repeat: Yes
- Race:
- Location:
- Start NPC:
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