Bones Tell the Future
Tetrarch Kaitar predicts the future with dead men's bones. He foresees an approaching darkness that threatens to destroy all the races! He needs a secret ingredient containing awesome death energy to fully understand the prophecy.
- Talk to Tetrarch Kaitar.
- Go to the School of Dark Arts and CollectBone Fragment x10 from Skeleton Hunter and Skeleton Hunter Archer.
Steps from the game client
- Dead Men's BonesTetrarch Kaitar tells the future by throwing the bones of the undead. He performs a monthly reading to predict any imminent threat to the Dark Elves. He needs more bone fragments of the undead and asks you to go and collect 10 of them for him. You can obtain them by going to the School of Dark Arts and slaying skeletons.Items:Bone Fragment x10
- Return to Tetrarch KaitarYou have collected 10 bone fragments from the undead skeletons. Take them to Tetrarch Kaitar and claim your reward.
Quest Facts
- Quest ID: 320
- Level: 10
- Repeat: Yes
- Race:
Dark Elf
- Location: Dark Elven Village
- Start NPC:
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