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Ветвь Древа Жизни

Ветвь Древа Жизни
Ветвь Древа Жизниa
Тупое / Двуручное
Физ. Атк.:226
Маг. Атк.:167
Скор. Атк:325
Расход Зарядов Души:1
Расход Зарядов Духа:1
Вес :900
Дает возможность получить одно из следующих свойств: Преобразование, Маг. Урон, Проницательность.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 213
  • Англ. название: Branch of the Mother Tree
  • Базовая цена: 20 741 000
  • Кристалл: A-Ранг count: 1 659
Калькулятор Кристаллов
Цена предмета:
Цена 1 Кристалл: A-Ранг:
ПредметФиз. Атк.Маг. Атк.КристаллыШанс
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2261671659 / 0100%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2311701804 / 0100%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2361731949 / 0100%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2411762094 / 1264100%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2511822384 / 155440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2611882674 / 184440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2711942964 / 213440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2812003254 / 242440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
2912063544 / 271440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3012123834 / 300440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3112184124 / 329440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3212244414 / 358440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3312304704 / 387440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3412364994 / 416440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3512425284 / 445440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3612485574 / 474440%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3712545864 / 503420%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3812606154 / 532420%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
3912666444 / 561420%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
4012726734 / 590420%
Icon Item Branch of the Mother Tree
Branch of the Mother Tree
4112787024 / 619420%