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Физ. Защ.:46
Вес :580
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 2469
  • Англ. название: Gloves of The Underworld
  • Базовая цена: 1 160 000
  • Кристалл: A-Ранг count: 92
Калькулятор Кристаллов
Цена предмета:
Цена 1 Кристалл: A-Ранг:
ПредметФиз. Защита.КристаллыШанс
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
4692 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
47112 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
48132 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
49152 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
52212 / 16666.67%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
55272 / 22633.33%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
58332 / 28625%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
61392 / 34620%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
64452 / 40616.67%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
67512 / 46614.29%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
70572 / 52612.5%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
73632 / 58611.11%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
76692 / 64610%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
79752 / 7069.09%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
82812 / 7668.33%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
85872 / 8267.69%
Icon Item Gloves of The Underworld
Gloves of The Underworld
88932 / 8863.57%