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Деревянная Кираса

Деревянная Кираса
Деревянная Кираса
Верх / Легкая броня
Физ. Защ.:47
Вес :4820
Increases defense and maximum HP when used as a set along with Wooden Gaiters and a Wooden Helmet.

Является частью сетов:

Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 23
  • Англ. название: Wooden Breastplate
  • Базовая цена: 7 960
ritsuon 27.02.2025
Harbor Icon
Doesn't have set bonuses.
The historians of Elmoreaden said that access to the river would be closed if you wanted to enter it again, and they were right, because the world would never be the same again, it had changed. The old power no longer had its advantages, it was time to look for new ways.

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