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Оковы Ветра

Оковы Ветра
Оковы Ветра
Spirit of Wind shackles the arms of your opponent and drops their attack speed. Intensity 5.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 1206
  • Skill Level: 5
  • Англ. название: Wind Shackle
  • Type: A2
  • MP Consume: 52
  • HP Consume: 0
Оковы Ветра
Spirit of Wind shackles the arms of your opponent and drops their attack speed. Intensity 1.
Оковы Ветра
Spirit of Wind shackles the arms of your opponent and drops their attack speed. Intensity 2.
Оковы Ветра
Spirit of Wind shackles the arms of your opponent and drops their attack speed. Intensity 3.
Оковы Ветра
Spirit of Wind shackles the arms of your opponent and drops their attack speed. Intensity 4.
Оковы Ветра
Spirit of Wind shackles the arms of your opponent and drops their attack speed. Intensity 5.