![Short Sword](/s/icons/weapon_small_sword_i00.png) | Short Sword | | 883 |
![Club](/s/icons/weapon_club_i00.png) | Club | | 883 |
![Bone Dagger](/s/icons/weapon_bone_dagger_i00.png) | Bone Dagger | | 883 |
![Short Bow](/s/icons/weapon_short_bow_i00.png) | Short Bow | | 883 |
![Broadsword](/s/icons/weapon_broad_sword_i00.png) | Broadsword | | 14 375 |
![Heavy Chisel](/s/icons/weapon_heavy_chisel_i00.png) | Heavy Chisel | | 9 281 |
![Knife](/s/icons/weapon_knife_i00.png) | Knife | | 14 375 |
![Doom Dagger](/s/icons/weapon_doomed_dagger_i00.png) | Doom Dagger | | 14 375 |
![Bow](/s/icons/weapon_bow_i00.png) | Bow | | 14 375 |
![Mace](/s/icons/weapon_mace_i00.png) | Mace | | 14 375 |
![Sickle](/s/icons/weapon_heavy_chisel_i00.png) | Sickle | | 21 275 |
![Brandish](/s/icons/weapon_brandish_i00.png) | Brandish | | 62 215 |
![Gladius](/s/icons/weapon_gladius_i00.png) | Gladius | | 62 215 |
![Orcish Sword](/s/icons/weapon_orcish_sword_i00.png) | Orcish Sword | | 62 215 |
![Handmade Sword](/s/icons/weapon_handmade_sword_i00.png) | Handmade Sword | | 62 215 |
![Dwarven Mace](/s/icons/weapon_dwarven_mace_i00.png) | Dwarven Mace | | 62 215 |
![Dirk](/s/icons/weapon_dirk_i00.png) | Dirk | | 62 215 |
![Hunting Bow](/s/icons/weapon_hunting_bow_i00.png) | Hunting Bow | | 62 215 |
![Long Sword](/s/icons/weapon_long_sword_i00.png) | Long Sword | | 156 400 |
![Throwing Knife](/s/icons/weapon_throw_knife_i00.png) | Throwing Knife | | 156 400 |
![Forest Bow](/s/icons/weapon_short_bow_i00.png) | Forest Bow | | 156 400 |
![Short Spear](/s/icons/weapon_short_spear_i00.png) | Short Spear | | 156 400 |
![Pants](/s/icons/armor_pants_i00.png) | Pants | | 106 |
![Shirt](/s/icons/armor_shirt_i00.png) | Shirt | | 169 |
![Leather Pants](/s/icons/armor_leather_pants_i00.png) | Leather Pants | | 1 748 |
![Leather Shirt](/s/icons/armor_leather_shirt_i00.png) | Leather Shirt | | 2 795 |
![Hard Leather Pants](/s/icons/armor_hard_leather_pants_i00.png) | Hard Leather Pants | | 5 716 |
![Wooden Breastplate](/s/icons/armor_wooden_breastplate_i00.png) | Wooden Breastplate | | 9 154 |
![Wooden Gaiters](/s/icons/armor_hard_leather_pants_i00.png) | Wooden Gaiters | | 5 716 |
![Cotton Pants](/s/icons/armor_tights_pants_i00.png) | Cotton Pants | | 14 605 |
![Cotton Shirt](/s/icons/armor_tights_shirt_i00.png) | Cotton Shirt | | 23 345 |
![Bone Breastplate](/s/icons/armor_bone_breastplate_i00.png) | Bone Breastplate | | 23 345 |
![Bone Gaiters](/s/icons/armor_bone_gaiters_i00.png) | Bone Gaiters | | 14 605 |
![Leather Shield](/s/icons/shield_leather_shield_i00.png) | Leather Shield | | 45 |
![Small Shield](/s/icons/shield_small_shield_i00.png) | Small Shield | | 734 |
![Buckler](/s/icons/shield_buckler_i00.png) | Buckler | | 3 197 |
![Round Shield](/s/icons/shield_round_shield_i00.png) | Round Shield | | 8 176 |
![Short Gloves](/s/icons/armor_short_gloves_i00.png) | Short Gloves | | 43 |
![Short Leather Gloves](/s/icons/armor_short_leather_gloves_i00.png) | Short Leather Gloves | | 698 |
![Gloves](/s/icons/armor_gloves_i00.png) | Gloves | | 3 047 |
![Leather Gloves](/s/icons/armor_leather_gloves_i00.png) | Leather Gloves | | 7 785 |
![Apprentice's Shoes](/s/icons/armor_apprentices_shoes_i00.png) | Apprentice's Shoes | | 8 |
![Cloth Shoes](/s/icons/armor_cloth_shoes_i00.png) | Cloth Shoes | | 43 |
![Leather Sandals](/s/icons/armor_leather_sandals_i00.png) | Leather Sandals | | 43 |
![Crude Leather Shoes](/s/icons/armor_crude_leather_shoes_i00.png) | Crude Leather Shoes | | 698 |
![Cotton Shoes](/s/icons/armor_cotton_shoes_i00.png) | Cotton Shoes | | 698 |
![Leather Shoes](/s/icons/armor_leather_shoes_i00.png) | Leather Shoes | | 3 047 |
![Low Boots](/s/icons/armor_low_boots_i00.png) | Low Boots | | 7 785 |
![Cloth Cap](/s/icons/armor_cloth_helmet_i00.png) | Cloth Cap | | 63 |
![Leather Cap](/s/icons/armor_leather_helmet_i00.png) | Leather Cap | | 1 048 |
![Wooden Helmet](/s/icons/armor_leather_helmet_i00.png) | Wooden Helmet | | 4 577 |
![Leather Helmet](/s/icons/armor_leather_helmet_i00.png) | Leather Helmet | | 11 730 |
![Wooden Arrow](/s/icons/etc_wooden_quiver_i00.png) | Wooden Arrow | | 2 |
![Hub Scent](/s/icons/etc_bone_quiver_i00.png) | Hub Scent | | 3 |
![Apprentice's Rod](/s/icons/weapon_apprentices_rod_i00.png) | Apprentice's Rod | | 883 |
![Buffalo's Horn](/s/icons/weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00.png) | Buffalo's Horn | | 883 |
![Willow Staff](/s/icons/weapon_willow_staff_i00.png) | Willow Staff | | 14 375 |
![Apprentice's Spellbook](/s/icons/weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00.png) | Apprentice's Spellbook | | 14 375 |
![Cedar Staff](/s/icons/weapon_cedar_staff_i00.png) | Cedar Staff | | 62 215 |
![Journeyman's Staff](/s/icons/weapon_apprentices_staff_i00.png) | Journeyman's Staff | | 156 400 |
![Relic of The Saints](/s/icons/weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00.png) | Relic of The Saints | | 156 400 |
![Stockings](/s/icons/armor_hose_i00.png) | Stockings | | 106 |
![Tunic](/s/icons/armor_tunic_i00.png) | Tunic | | 169 |
![Cotton Stockings](/s/icons/armor_cotton_hose_i00.png) | Cotton Stockings | | 1 748 |
![Cotton Tunic](/s/icons/armor_cotton_tunic_i00.png) | Cotton Tunic | | 2 795 |
![Feriotic Stockings](/s/icons/armor_feriotic_hose_i00.png) | Feriotic Stockings | | 1 748 |
![Feriotic Tunic](/s/icons/armor_feriotic_tunic_i00.png) | Feriotic Tunic | | 2 795 |
![Leather Stockings](/s/icons/armor_leather_hose_i00.png) | Leather Stockings | | 5 716 |
![Leather Tunic](/s/icons/armor_leather_tunic_i00.png) | Leather Tunic | | 9 154 |
![Stockings of Devotion](/s/icons/armor_hose_of_devotion_i00.png) | Stockings of Devotion | | 14 605 |
![Tunic of Devotion](/s/icons/armor_tunic_of_devotion_i00.png) | Tunic of Devotion | | 23 345 |
![Necklace of Magic](/s/icons/accessary_necklace_of_magic_i00.png) | Necklace of Magic | | 76 |
![Necklace of Knowledge](/s/icons/accessary_necklace_of_knowledge_i00.png) | Necklace of Knowledge | | 1 242 |
![Necklace of Anguish](/s/icons/accessary_necklace_of_anguish_i00.png) | Necklace of Anguish | | 5 382 |
![Necklace of Wisdom](/s/icons/accessary_necklace_of_wisdom_i00.png) | Necklace of Wisdom | | 13 685 |
![Apprentice's Earring](/s/icons/accessary_apprentices_earing_i00.png) | Apprentice's Earring | | 56 |
![Mystic's Earring](/s/icons/accessary_mage_earing_i00.png) | Mystic's Earring | | 933 |
![Earring of Strength](/s/icons/accessary_earing_of_strength_i00.png) | Earring of Strength | | 4 036 |
![Earring of Wisdom](/s/icons/accessary_earing_of_wisdom_i00.png) | Earring of Wisdom | | 4 036 |
![Cat's Eye Earring](/s/icons/accessary_catseye_earing_i00.png) | Cat's Eye Earring | | 10 224 |
![Magic Ring](/s/icons/accessary_magic_ring_i00.png) | Magic Ring | | 38 |
![Ring of Knowledge](/s/icons/accessary_ring_of_knowledge_i00.png) | Ring of Knowledge | | 621 |
![Ring of Anguish](/s/icons/accessary_ring_of_anguish_i00.png) | Ring of Anguish | | 2 691 |
![Ring of Wisdom](/s/icons/accessary_ring_of_wisdom_i00.png) | Ring of Wisdom | | 6 808 |
![World Map](/s/icons/etc_letter_red_i00.png) | World Map | | 575 |
![Key of Thief](/s/icons/etc_key_i00.png) | Key of Thief | | 1 150 |
![Spirit Ore](/s/icons/etc_crystal_red_i00.png) | Spirit Ore | | 460 |
![Soul Ore](/s/icons/etc_crystal_white_i00.png) | Soul Ore | | 288 |
![Blessed Spiritshot - None Grade](/s/icons/etc_spell_shot_white_i00.png) | Blessed Spiritshot - None Grade | | 40 |
![Spiritshot: No Grade](/s/icons/etc_spell_shot_white_i00.png) | Spiritshot: No Grade | | 17 |
![Soulshot: No Grade](/s/icons/etc_spirit_bullet_white_i00.png) | Soulshot: No Grade | | 8 |
![Scroll of Escape](/s/icons/etc_scroll_of_return_i00.png) | Scroll of Escape | | 460 |
![Lesser Healing Potion](/s/icons/etc_lesser_potion_red_i00.png) | Lesser Healing Potion | | 103 |
![Antidote](/s/icons/etc_herb_green_i00.png) | Antidote | | 86 |
![Bandage](/s/icons/etc_piece_of_cloth_white_i00.png) | Bandage | | 86 |
![Haste Potion](/s/icons/etc_potion_green_i00.png) | Haste Potion | | 1 380 |
![Potion of Alacrity](/s/icons/etc_reagent_green_i00.png) | Potion of Alacrity | | 2 760 |
![Spellbook: Advanced Defense Power](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Advanced Defense Power | | 86 |
![Spellbook: Advanced Attack Power](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Advanced Attack Power | | 86 |
![Spellbook: Battle Heal](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) | Spellbook: Battle Heal | | 115 |
![Spellbook: Heal](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) | Spellbook: Heal | | 115 |
![Spellbook: Ice Bolt](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) | Spellbook: Ice Bolt | | 115 |
![Spellbook: Might](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) | Spellbook: Might | | 115 |
![Spellbook: Vampiric Touch](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) | Spellbook: Vampiric Touch | | 115 |
![Spellbook: Wind Shackle](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) | Spellbook: Wind Shackle | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Cure Poison](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) | Spellbook: Cure Poison | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Curse: Poison](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) | Spellbook: Curse: Poison | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Curse: Weakness](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) | Spellbook: Curse: Weakness | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Flame Strike](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) | Spellbook: Flame Strike | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Group Heal](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) | Spellbook: Group Heal | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Shield](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) | Spellbook: Shield | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Wind Walk](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) | Spellbook: Wind Walk | | 575 |
![Spellbook: Drain Energy](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Drain Energy | | 633 |
![Spellbook: Elemental Heal](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Elemental Heal | | 633 |
![Spellbook: Aqua Swirl](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) | Spellbook: Aqua Swirl | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Arcane Acumen](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) | Spellbook: Arcane Acumen | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Aura Burn](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) | Spellbook: Aura Burn | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Blaze](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) | Spellbook: Blaze | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Charm](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Charm | | 920 |
![Spellbook: Concentration](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) | Spellbook: Concentration | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Disrupt Undead](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) | Spellbook: Disrupt Undead | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Poison Recovery](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Poison Recovery | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Poison](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) | Spellbook: Poison | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Resurrection](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) | Spellbook: Resurrection | | 920 |
![Spellbook: Servitor Heal](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) | Spellbook: Servitor Heal | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Summon Black Cat](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) | Spellbook: Summon Black Cat | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Twister](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) | Spellbook: Twister | | 862 |
![Spellbook: Water Breathing](/s/icons/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) | Spellbook: Water Breathing | | 920 |