| Adena | Misery Skeleton Lvl. 14, Lesser Dark Horror Lvl. 15, Omen Beast Lvl. 17, Tainted Zombie Lvl. 18, Stink Zombie Lvl. 19, Lesser Succubus Lvl. 20, Lesser Succubus Turen Lvl. 21, Lesser Succubus Tilfo Lvl. 22, Dark Horror Lvl. 16, Goblin Thief Lvl. 10, Goblin Lookout Lvl. 8, Cave Spider Lvl. 15, Cave Bat Lvl. 13, Cave Fang Spider Lvl. 16, Merkenis Escort Lvl. 21, Stone Soldier Lvl. 14, Vaiss Orc Lvl. 10, Vaiss Orc Lieutenant Lvl. 11, Balor Orc Archer Lvl. 8, Balor Orc Fighter Lvl. 10, Balor Orc Fighter Leader Lvl. 12, Balor Orc Lieutenant Lvl. 11, Redeye Bat Lvl. 15, Blood Fungus Lvl. 12, Festering Bat Lvl. 13, Doom Soldier Lvl. 14, Skeleton Hunter Lvl. 12, Skeleton Hunter Archer Lvl. 13 |
 | Buckler | |
 | Wooden Helmet | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Leather Tunic | |
 | Leather Tunic Pattern | |
 | Leather Stockings | |
 | Leather Stocking Pattern | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Bone Breastplate | |
 | Bone Gaiters | |
 | Cotton Shirt | |
 | Cotton Pants | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Steel | |
 | Coarse Bone Powder | |
 | Recipe: Composition Bow | |
 | Cat's Eye Earring | |
 | Ring of Wisdom | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom Chain | |
 | Charcoal | |
 | Thread | |
 | Recipe: Varnish of Purity | |
 | Cestus | |
 | Scroll of Escape | |
 | Sword Breaker | |
 | Sword Breaker Edge | |
 | Recipe: Necklace of Devotion | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) | |
 | Tunic of Magic | |
 | Stockings of Magic | |
 | Recipe: Temptation of Abyss | |
 | Short Spear | |
 | Short Spear Edge | |
 | Recipe: Silver Mold | |
 | Heavy Chisel | |
 | Mace | |
 | Willow Staff | |
 | Willow Staff Head | |
 | Coal | |
 | Recipe: Leather Stockings | |
 | Knife | |
 | Doom Dagger | |
 | Recipe: Leather | |
 | Gladius | |
 | Brandish | |
 | Brandish Blade | |
 | Suede | |
 | Recipe: Short Spear | |
 | Wooden Breastplate | |
 | Hard Leather Pants | |
 | Wooden Gaiters | |
 | Stem | |
 | Bone Shield | |
 | Hard Leather Helmet | |
 | Cokes | |
 | Key of Thief | |
 | Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) | |
 | Earring of Strength | |
 | Earring of Wisdom | |
 | Ring of Anguish | |
 | Necklace of Anguish | |
 | Necklace of Anguish Chain | |
 | Recipe: Sword of Reflection | |
 | Apprentice's Spellbook | |
 | Recipe: Cedar Staff | |
 | Wooden Arrow | |
 | Bow | |
 | Bow Shaft | |
 | Broadsword | |
 | Broadsword Blade | |
 | Recipe: Forest Bow | |
 | Lesser Healing Potion | |
 | Leather Shoes | |
 | Leather Shoes Texture | |
 | Gloves | |
 | Potion of Alacrity | |
 | Forest Bow | |
 | Forest Bow Shaft | |
 | Recipe: Necklace of Wisdom | |
 | Poniard Dagger | |
 | Cord | |
 | Hunting Bow | |