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Find Sir Windawood

Guard Abellos tells that an urgent message to Sir Collin Windawood, the Consul of Talking Island, has arrived from Gludio Castle. He asks you to send the message to Sir Collin Windawood.


  1. Talk to Guard Abellos. He gives you an
    Icon Item official Letter
    official Letter
  2. Deliver the Official Letter to Sir Collin Windawood, who is at the Obelisk of Victory, for
    Icon Item Adena
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Find Sir WindawoodStep 1
    Guard Abellos tells that an urgent message to Sir Collin Windawood, the Consul of Talking Island, has arrived from Gludio Castle. He asks you to send the message to Sir Collin Windawood.
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