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Destroy Plague Carriers

The ratmen, who the Elves call ‘the plague carriers,’ spread an epidemic in the Elven Forest and once fought for the Dark Elves. Because of this, the Elves have bitterness against them. Master Ellenia asks you to eliminate the ratmen that are nesting in the Elven Underground Fortress. Bring her their fangs as proof, and you shall receive a reward.


  1. Hunt Sukar Wererat and Sukar Wererat Leader which drop
    Icon Item Wererat's Fang
    Wererat's Fang
    , and their boss Quest Monster Varool Foulclaw, who sometimes drops a
    Icon Item Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    . Once you get a
    Icon Item Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    , return to Master Ellenia.
  2. Return to Master Ellenia at any time and turn in the
    Icon Item Wererat's Fang
    Wererat's Fang
    Icon Item Adena
    Icon Item Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    Icon Item Adena
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Destroy Plague CarriersStep 1
    The ratmen, who the Elves call ‘the plague carriers,’ spread an epidemic in the Elven Forest and once fought for the Dark Elves. Because of this, the Elves have bitterness against them. Master Ellenia asks you to eliminate the ratmen that are nesting in the Elven Underground Fortress. Bring her their fangs as proof, and you shall receive a reward.
Quest Facts
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