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Path to a Cleric

Quest that must be fulfilled to change occupations to a Cleric. Tell Priest Zigaunt that you wish to become a Cleric, and he will say that you must prove your pure faith. To do this, you must remove all inappropriate books that criticizes the current order. The first rumors about those books appeared in the town of Gludio. Go and investigate about the book, 'Understanding of Miracles.'


  1. Talk to Priest Zigaunt (Gludin).
  2. Talk to Guard Praga.
  3. Kill Ruin Zombie and Ruin Zombie Leader to collect
    Icon Item Necklace of Mother
    Necklace of Mother
    . By l2hub
  4. Talk to Guard Praga.
  5. Talk to Lemoniell.
  6. Talk to Lemoniell. By l2hub
  7. When you are Level 20, return to Gludin and Speak with Priest Zigaunt to become a Cleric. By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Path to a ClericStep 1
    Quest that must be fulfilled to change occupations to a Cleric. Tell Priest Zigaunt that you wish to become a Cleric, and he will say that you must prove your pure faith. To do this, you must remove all inappropriate books that criticizes the current order. The first rumors about those books appeared in the town of Gludio. Go and investigate about the book, 'Understanding of Miracles.'
Quest Facts
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