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Призвать Воскрешенного
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons the raised dead. Summoning Crystal - 21 Grade Ds.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 1129
  • Skill Level: 2
  • Англ. название: Summon Reanimated Man
  • Type: A1
  • MP Consume: 94
  • HP Consume: 0
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons the raised dead. Summoning Crystal - 15 Grade Ds.
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons the raised dead. Summoning Crystal - 21 Grade Ds.
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons a man who has been resurrected out of a corpse. When summoning, 29 Crystals: D Grade are needed. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed.
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons a man who has been resurrected out of a corpse. When summoning, 32 Crystals: D Grade are needed. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed.
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons a man who has been resurrected out of a corpse. When summoning, 35 Crystals: D Grade are needed. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed.
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons a man who has been resurrected out of a corpse. When summoning, 39 Crystals: D Grade are needed. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed.
Призвать Воскрешенного
Summons a man who has been resurrected out of a corpse. When summoning, 41 Crystals: D Grade are needed. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed.