![](/s/icons-c2/skill0301.png) | Призвать Гулкий Рокот Summons Big Boom, a servitor. In order to summon it, one will need 1 Crystal: D Grade. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed. | 74/0 | 1 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c2/skill0301.png) | Призвать Гулкий Рокот Summons Big Boom, a servitor. In order to summon it, one will need 1 Crystal: D Grade. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed. | 82/0 | 2 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c2/skill0301.png) | Призвать Гулкий Рокот Summons Big Boom, a servitor. In order to summon it, one will need 1 Crystal: D Grade. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed. | 88/0 | 3 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c2/skill0301.png) | Призвать Гулкий Рокот Summons Big Boom, a servitor. In order to summon it, one will need 1 Crystal: D Grade. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed. | 94/0 | 4 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c2/skill0301.png) | Призвать Гулкий Рокот Summons Big Boom, a servitor. In order to summon it, one will need 1 Crystal: D Grade. 30% of one's acquired Exp will be consumed. | 100/0 | 5 | A1 |