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::harbor Reward is changed to :item[adena] x15027.02.2025
::harbor Reward is changed to :item[adena] x10027.02.2025
::harbor Doesn't have set bonuses. Description: The historians of Elmoreaden said that access to the river would be closed...27.02.2025
::harbor Doesn't have set bonuses. Description: Once upon a time this magical rag had incredible power, but the merchants...27.02.2025
::harbor On step 3, you can kill :npc[ratman_warrior] instead. Just like on C3+27.02.2025
::harbor Reward is changed to 8000 :item[adena], :item[scroll_of_escape], :item[quick_step_potion] and 2 :item[lesser_healing_potion]s27.02.2025
::harbor Reward is changed to 3600 EXP and 14809 :item[adena]27.02.2025
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