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Great Sword

Great Sword
Great Swordb
Sword / Two Handed
P Atk:213
M Atk:91
Atk Spd:325
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Critical Damage or Focus.
Item Facts
  • Item ID: 78
  • Base price: 8 680 000
  • Crystal: B-Grade count: 1 157
Crystal Price Calc
Item price:
1 Crystal: B-Grade Price:
ItemP. Atk.M. Atk.CrystalsChance
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
216941224 / 0100%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
219971291 / 0100%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2221001358 / 0100%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2281061492 / 91370%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2341121626 / 104770%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2401181760 / 118170%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2461241894 / 131570%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2521302028 / 144970%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2581362162 / 158370%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2641422296 / 171770%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2701482430 / 185170%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2761542564 / 198570%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2821602698 / 211970%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2881662832 / 225370%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
2941722966 / 238770%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
3001783100 / 252135%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
3061843234 / 265535%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
3121903368 / 278935%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
3181963502 / 292335%
Icon Item Great Sword
Great Sword
3242023636 / 305735%