| Adena | Vuku Orc Lvl. 14, Vuku Orc Archer Lvl. 15, Vuku Orc Fighter Lvl. 17, Pincher Lvl. 16, Arachnid Predator Lvl. 20, Ol Mahum Patrol Lvl. 21, Wandering Eye Lvl. 21, Ol Mahum Guard Lvl. 22, Hungry Eye Lvl. 22, Ol Mahum Straggler Lvl. 23, Ol Mahum Shooter Lvl. 24, Ol Mahum Captain Lvl. 25, Ol Mahum Commander Lvl. 29, Ratman Warrior Lvl. 19, Ol Mahum Supplier Lvl. 23, Ol Mahum Recruit Lvl. 21, Ol Mahum General Lvl. 26, Ol Mahum Officer Lvl. 24, Ol Mahum Deserter Lvl. 23, Ol Mahum Novice Lvl. 17, Devil's Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Convict's Treasure Chest Lvl. 25, Devil's Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Convict's Treasure Chest Lvl. 25 |
 | Charcoal | |
 | Suede | |
 | Scroll of Escape | |
 | Fist of Butcher | |
 | Fox Claw Gloves | |
 | Recipe: Leather Gloves | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Hunting Bow | |
 | Coal | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Recipe: Cord | |
 | Recipe: Soulshot (D) Advanced Compressed Package | |
 | Sword of Reflection Blade | |
 | Long Sword | |
 | Sword of Reflection | |
 | Sword of Watershadow | |
 | Stem | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom Chain | |
 | Ring of Wisdom | |
 | Cat's Eye Earring | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom | |
 | Antidote | |
 | Recipe: Compound Braid | |
 | Short Spear Edge | |
 | Short Spear | |
 | Boot Lining | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | Recipe: Necklace of Devotion | |
 | Boots | |
 | Bracer | |
 | Recipe: Two-handed Sword | |
 | Recipe: Bone Helmet. | |
 | Steel | |
 | Potion of Alacrity | |
 | Sword Breaker Edge | |
 | Sword Breaker | |
 | Cokes | |
 | Recipe: Temptation of Abyss | |
 | Long Spear | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot D | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package | |
 | Bone Shield | |
 | Hard Leather Helmet | |
 | Chest Key - Grade 3 | |
 | Composition Bow Shaft | |
 | Recipe: Trident | |
 | Composition Bow | |
 | Leather | |
 | Recipe: Soulshot: D Grade | |
 | Thread | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Recipe: Dark Stockings | |
 | Iron Plate Gaiters | |
 | Ring Mail Breastplate | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) | |
 | Blue Buckskin Boots | |
 | Leather Gauntlets | |
 | Asofe | |
 | Recipe: Skull Breaker | |
 | Recipe: Iron Hammer | |
 | Journeyman's Staff | |
 | Bone Club | |
 | Recipe: Scale Mail | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Trident Edge | |
 | Trident | |
 | Piece Bone Gaiters Fragment | |
 | Piece Bone Breastplate Fragment | |
 | Piece Bone Gaiters | |
 | Bronze Gaiters | |
 | Piece Bone Breastplate | |
 | Bronze Breastplate | |
 | Mace of Judgment Head | |
 | Conjuror's Staff Head | |
 | Tomahawk | |
 | Mace of Prayer | |
 | Mace of Judgment | |
 | Mace of Miracle | |
 | Doom Hammer | |
 | Mystic Staff | |
 | Conjuror's Staff | |
 | Staff of Mana | |
 | Recipe: Blue Diamond Necklace | |
 | Cestus | |
 | Spinebone Sword Blade | |
 | Scale Gaiters | |
 | Scale Gaiters Fragment | |
 | Scale Mail | |
 | Scale Mail Fragment | |
 | Bastard Sword | |
 | Spinebone Sword | |
 | Artisan's Sword | |
 | Knight's Sword | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) | |
 | Recipe: Leather Boots | |