| Adena | |
 | Stem | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Steel | |
 | Avadon Shield Fragment | |
 | Zubei's Shield Fragment | |
 | Zubei's Helment Design | |
 | Avadon Circlet Pattern | |
 | Asofe | |
 | Crafted Leather | |
 | Recipe: Doom Gloves | |
 | Recipe: Stockings of Doom | |
 | Dye of High Degree of Physical Strength <Con+4 Dex-4> | |
 | Zubei's Shield | |
 | Avadon Shield | |
 | Zubei's Helmet | |
 | Avadon Circlet | |
 | Metallic Fiber | |
 | Blue Wolf Gaiters Material | |
 | Mold Lubricant | |
 | Enria | |
 | Blue Wolf Breastplate Part | |
 | Recipe: Earring of Black Ore | |
 | Doom Plate Armor Temper | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot (A) Advanced Compressed Package | |
 | Blue Wolf Gaiters | |
 | Blue Wolf Breastplate | |
 | Doom Plate Armor | |
 | Thread | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Coarse Bone Powder | |
 | Compound Braid | |
 | Doom Boots Part | |
 | Blue Wolf Boots Design | |
 | Doom Gloves Part | |
 | Blue Wolf Gloves Fabric | |
 | Thons | |
 | Recipe: Doom Helmet | |
 | Boots of Doom | |
 | Blue Wolf Boots | |
 | Doom Gloves | |
 | Blue Wolf Gloves | |
 | Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Recipe: Avadon Gloves | |
 | Sword of Damascus Blade | |
 | Mold Hardener | |
 | Sword of Damascus | |
 | Recipe: Blue Wolf Gaiters | |
 | Proof of Blood | |
 | Suede | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | High Grade Suede | |
 | Stockings of Zubei Fabric | |
 | Tunic of Zubei Fabric | |
 | Avadon Robe Fabric | |
 | Recipe: Demon's Sword | |
 | Stockings of Zubei | |
 | Tunic of Zubei | |
 | Avadon Robe | |