| Adena | Langk Lizardman Warrior Lvl. 17, Langk Lizardman Lvl. 15, Wandering Eye Lvl. 21, Hungry Eye Lvl. 22, Langk Lizardman Leader Lvl. 25, Langk Lizardman Lieutenant Lvl. 22, Ol Mahum Deserter Lvl. 23, Lesser Warlike Tyrant Lvl. 33, Ol Mahum Van Leader Lvl. 34, Warlike Tyrant Lvl. 35, Devil's Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Convict's Treasure Chest Lvl. 25, Devil's Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Convict's Treasure Chest Lvl. 25 |
 | Stem | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Recipe: Piece Bone Gaiters | |
 | Sword of Reflection Blade | |
 | Long Sword | |
 | Sword of Reflection | |
 | Sword of Watershadow | |
 | Coal | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Recipe: Sword of Reflection | |
 | Dirk Blade | |
 | Dirk | |
 | Recipe: Bone Helmet. | |
 | Steel | |
 | Potion of Alacrity | |
 | Sword Breaker Edge | |
 | Sword Breaker | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot D | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package | |
 | Bone Shield | |
 | Hard Leather Helmet | |
 | Scroll of Escape | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Leather | |
 | Coarse Bone Powder | |
 | Triple-Edged Jamadhr | |
 | Thread | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Recipe: Dark Stockings | |
 | Crafted Dagger | |
 | Recipe: Leather Boots | |
 | Falchion | |
 | Brandish | |
 | Recipe: Soulshot (D) Advanced Compressed Package | |
 | Cokes | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Recipe: Mithril Tunic | |
 | Tome of Blood Page | |
 | Recipe: Bonebreaker | |
 | Blood of Saints | |
 | Tome of Blood | |
 | Mithril Ore | |
 | Recipe: Elven Mithril Boots | |
 | Two-Handed Sword Edge | |
 | Recipe: Crucifix of Blood | |
 | Sword of Magic | |
 | Sword of Occult | |
 | Two-Handed Sword | |
 | Crimson Sword | |
 | Elven Sword | |
 | Recipe: RIP Gauntlets | |
 | Crafted Leather | |
 | Recipe: Maingauche | |
 | Recipe: Glaive | |
 | Mithril Gaiters | |
 | Compound Scale Gaiters | |
 | Dwarven Scale Gaiters | |
 | Mithril Breastplate | |
 | Compound Scale Mail | |
 | Dwarven Scale Mail | |
 | Blast Plate | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) | |
 | Bronze Helmet | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) | |
 | Poniard Dagger | |
 | Aspis | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | Boot Lining | |
 | Recipe: Necklace of Devotion | |
 | Boots | |
 | Bracer | |