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Skirmish with the Orcs

Recently, Orcs of the Misty Mountains have made several attacks on the Elven Forest. Sentinel Kendell of the Elven Village asks you to drive out the Orcs and become the Guardian of the Forest.


  1. Talk to Sentinel Kendell. He assigns you an orc chief.
  2. Return to Sentinel Kendell with the torc1. He assigns you another chief to kill.
  3. Return to Sentinel Kendell with the torc2, for a
    Red Sunset Sword
    Red Sunset Staff

Steps from the game client

  1. Step 1
    Recently, Orcs of the Misty Mountains have made several attacks on the Elven Forest. Sentinel Kendell of the Elven Village asks you to drive out the Orcs and become the Guardian of the Forest.
Quest Facts
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