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Trial of the Challenger

Quest to acquire occupation change item, 'Mark of the Challenger.' Kash says he will tell you who has the Mark of the Challenger, if you manage to kill the medusa, Shyslyssys, and bring forth the old parchment. She lives in a cave in the Neutral Zone, which is between the Elven and the Dark Forests. He advises you to go in parties, for she is a strong enemy who has lived for hundreds of years.


  1. Talk to Kash (Dion).
  2. Kill the Quest Monster Shyslassys to collect
    Icon Item Scroll of Shyslassy
    Scroll of Shyslassy
    Icon Item Broken Key
    Broken Key
    . Shyslassys and her six pet Cave Basilisks can be found behind the waterfall between Elf and Dark Elf town.
  3. Use the
    Icon Item Broken Key
    Broken Key
    to open the Chest Of Shyslassys.
  4. Talk to Kash.
  5. Talk to Martien (Giran). By l2hub
  6. Talk to Martien.
  7. Talk to Champion Raldo who appeared there.
  8. Talk to Elder Filaur (Dwarven Village). By l2hub
  9. To continue, you must be level 36.
  10. Kill to Quest Monster Succubus Queen (In the deepest part of the Mithril mines).
  11. Talk to Champion Raldo who appeared there, for 26000 EXP, 3100 SP and
    Icon Item Mark of Challenger
    Mark of Challenger
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Step 1
    Quest to acquire occupation change item, 'Mark of the Challenger.' Kash says he will tell you who has the Mark of the Challenger, if you manage to kill the medusa, Shyslyssys, and bring forth the old parchment. She lives in a cave in the Neutral Zone, which is between the Elven and the Dark Forests. He advises you to go in parties, for she is a strong enemy who has lived for hundreds of years.
Quest Facts
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