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Test of the Summoner

Quest to acquire occupation change item, ‘Mark of the Summoner.’ High Summoner Galatea explains that an outstanding Summoner should possess a high standard of magical powers and a strong sense of willpower and the testing of these gifts is the Test of the Summoner. The player has to win six duels with six different Summoners in order to pass the test but first make the arcana card which is essential in the duel. Take Galatea’s letter and meet at the town of Dion with Merchant Lara.


  1. Talk to High Summoner Galatea (Gludin).
  2. Talk to Trader Lara.
  3. She has 5 lists of creatures. She gives you a list at random. You'll need to do this at least 3 times to get 6 cards. If you fail a battle against a summoned creature in steps 3-8, you will need to go back and get more cards.
  4. Kill Giant Fungus to collect
    Icon Item Sac of Redspores
    Sac of Redspores
  5. Kill Karul Bugbear to collect
    Icon Item Karul Bugbear Totem
    Karul Bugbear Totem
  6. Icon Item Lara's List 3
    Lara's List 3
    : By l2hub
  7. Kill Fettered Soul to collect
    Icon Item Crimson Bloodstone
    Crimson Bloodstone
  8. Kill Tyrant and Tyrant Kingpin to collect
    Icon Item Talons of Tyrant
    Talons of Tyrant
  9. Kill Windsus to collect
    Icon Item Tusk of Windsus
    Tusk of Windsus
    . By l2hub
  10. Kill Wyrm to collect
    Icon Item Fangs of Wyrm
    Fangs of Wyrm
  11. Once you have 6 cards, begin duelling Summoners. You must talk to each Summoner, then summon a creature to defeat each of the Summoner's creatures.
  12. Talk to Summoner Almors, then have your summon kill Quest Monster Pako The Cat to collect
    Icon Item Crystal of Victory1
    Crystal of Victory1
    . By l2hub
  13. Talk to Summoner Basilla, then have your summon kill Quest Monster Mimi The Cat to collect
    Icon Item Crystal of Victory2
    Crystal of Victory2
  14. Talk to Summoner Celestiel, then have your summon kill Quest Monster Unicorn Phantasm to collect
    Icon Item Crystal of Victory4
    Crystal of Victory4
  15. Talk to Summoner Celestiel. By l2hub
  16. Talk to Summoner Belthus, then have your summon kill Quest Monster Shadow Turen to collect
    Icon Item Crystal of Victory5
    Crystal of Victory5
  17. Talk to Summoner Camoniell, then have your summon kill Quest Monster Unicorn Racer to collect
    Icon Item Crystal of Victory3
    Crystal of Victory3
  18. Talk to Summoner Brynthea, then have your summon kill Quest Monster Silhouette Tilfo to collect
    Icon Item Crystal of Victory6
    Crystal of Victory6
    . By l2hub
  19. Talk to High Summoner Galatea, for 41000 EXP, 5000 SP and
    Icon Item Mark of Summoner
    Mark of Summoner
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Step 1
    Quest to acquire occupation change item, ‘Mark of the Summoner.’ High Summoner Galatea explains that an outstanding Summoner should possess a high standard of magical powers and a strong sense of willpower and the testing of these gifts is the Test of the Summoner. The player has to win six duels with six different Summoners in order to pass the test but first make the arcana card which is essential in the duel. Take Galatea’s letter and meet at the town of Dion with Merchant Lara.
Quest Facts
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