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Перчатки Печатиc
Физ. Защ.:34
Вес :620
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 2457
  • Англ. название: Gloves of Seal
  • Базовая цена: 161 000
  • Кристалл: C-Ранг count: 64
Калькулятор Кристаллов
Цена предмета:
Цена 1 Кристалл: C-Ранг:
ПредметФиз. Защита.КристаллыШанс
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
3570 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
3676 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
3782 / 0100%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
40100 / 6866.67%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
43118 / 8633.33%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
46136 / 10425%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
49154 / 12220%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
52172 / 14016.67%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
55190 / 15814.29%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
58208 / 17612.5%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
61226 / 19411.11%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
64244 / 21210%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
67262 / 2309.09%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
70280 / 2488.33%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
73298 / 2667.69%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
76316 / 2843.57%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
79334 / 3023.33%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
82352 / 3203.13%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
85370 / 3382.94%
Icon Item Gloves of Seal
Gloves of Seal
88388 / 3562.78%