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Стрела Ауры

Стрела Ауры
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 45.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 1275
  • Skill Level: 8
  • Англ. название: Aura Bolt
  • Type: A1
  • MP Consume: 29
  • HP Consume: 0
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed Is short. Power 26.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 29.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 33.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 36.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 39.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 41.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 43.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 45.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 46.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 48.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 50.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 51.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 53.
Стрела Ауры
Launches an Intense bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 54.