![](/s/icons-c3/skill0278.png) | Призвать Змеиный Куб Summons a Cubic, which poisons enemies. Summoning Crystal - 3 Grade Ds. | 44/0 | 1 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c3/skill0278.png) | Призвать Змеиный Куб Summons a Cubic, which poisons enemies. Summoning Crystal - 4 Grade Ds. | 50/0 | 2 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c3/skill0278.png) | Призвать Змеиный Куб Summons a cubic that poisons the enemy. When summoning, 5 Crystals: D Grade are needed. | 55/0 | 3 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c3/skill0278.png) | Призвать Змеиный Куб Summons a cubic that poisons the enemy. When summoning, 6 Crystals: D Grade are needed. | 60/0 | 4 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c3/skill0278.png) | Призвать Змеиный Куб Summons a cubic that poisons the enemy. When summoning, 6 Crystals: D Grade are needed. | 64/0 | 5 | A1 |
![](/s/icons-c3/skill0278.png) | Призвать Змеиный Куб Summons a cubic that poisons the enemy. When summoning, 6 Crystals: D Grade are needed. | 67/0 | 6 | A1 |