| Adena | Alligator Lvl. 40, Crokian Lad Lvl. 41, Dailaon Lad Lvl. 42, Crokian Lad Warrior Lvl. 43, Farhite Lad Lvl. 44, Nos Lad Lvl. 45, Swamp Tribe Lvl. 45, Catacomb Gargoyle Lvl. 43, Catacomb Liviona Lvl. 44, Decayed Ancient Pikeman Lvl. 46, Holy Land Priest Lvl. 42, Vault Overlord Lvl. 45, Vault Priest Lvl. 47, Wigott's Treasure Chest Lvl. 42, Cema's Treasure Chest Lvl. 45, Wigott's Treasure Chest Lvl. 42, Cema's Treasure Chest Lvl. 45 |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Leather | |
 | Recipe: Plate Boots | |
 | Bich'Hwa Edge | |
 | Crafted Leather | |
 | Recipe: Atuba Mace | |
 | Recipe: Bonebreaker | |
 | Bich'Hwa | |
 | Stem | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Cord | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | Square Shield Fragment | |
 | Plate Shield Fragment | |
 | Plate Helmet Design | |
 | Potion of Alacrity | |
 | Recipe: Karmian Tunic | |
 | Recipe: Stormbringer | |
 | Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (C) Compressed Package(100%) | |
 | Square Shield | |
 | Plate Shield | |
 | Plate Helmet | |
 | Chest Key - Grade 5 | |
 | Metallic Fiber | |
 | Recipe: Chain Gaiters. | |
 | Ghost Staff Head | |
 | Staff of Life Shaft | |
 | Recipe: Crystal Staff | |
 | Bonebreaker Head | |
 | Atuba Hammer Head | |
 | Atuba Mace Head | |
 | Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (C) Compressed Package (100%) | |
 | Bonebreaker | |
 | Atuba Hammer | |
 | Ghost Staff | |
 | Staff of Life | |
 | Atuba Mace | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Coal | |
 | Cokes | |
 | Recipe: Plated Leather Gloves | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Claymore Blade | |
 | Elven Long Sword Blade | |
 | Recipe: Scythe | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot (C) Compressed Package (100%) | |
 | Claymore | |
 | Elven Long Sword | |
 | Charcoal | |
 | Suede | |
 | Karmian Stocking Design | |
 | Scroll of Resurrection | |
 | High Grade Suede | |
 | Karmian Tunic Pattern | |
 | Metal Hardener | |
 | Recipe: Rind Leather Gaiters | |
 | Recipe: Demon's Stockings | |
 | Recipe: Katana | |
 | Recipe: Stiletto | |
 | Karmian Stockings | |
 | Karmian Tunic | |
 | Mold Glue | |
 | Thons | |
 | Mold Hardener | |
 | Recipe: Elven Bow of Nobility | |
 | Chain Gaiters Part | |
 | Chain Mail Shirt Material | |
 | Coarse Bone Powder | |
 | Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-1> | |
 | Recipe: Dwarven War Hammer | |
 | Chain Gaiters | |
 | Chain Mail Shirt | |
 | Thread | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Metallic Thread | |
 | Compound Braid | |
 | Recipe: Karmian Stockings | |
 | Scallop Jamadhr Edge | |
 | Recipe: Battle Axe | |
 | Scallop Jamadhr | |
 | Waking Scroll | |
 | Steel | |
 | Recipe: Knight Shield | |
 | Recipe: Earring of Protection | |
 | Crystallized Ice Bow Shaft | |
 | Reinforced Metal Plate | |
 | Crystallized Ice Bow | |
 | Mithril Ore | |
 | Recipe: Shining Circlet. | |
 | Enria | |
 | Cursed Dagger Blade | |
 | Dark Elven Dagger Edge | |
 | Recipe: Robe of Seal | |
 | Cursed Dagger | |
 | Dark Elven Dagger | |
 | Red Seal Stone | |
 | Green Seal Stone | |
 | Blue Seal Stone | |
 | Recipe: Ring of Protection | |
 | Recipe: Dwarven Chain Gloves | |
 | Adamantite Nugget | |
 | Mold Lubricant | |
 | Stiletto Edge | |
 | Soulfire Dirk Blade | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) | |
 | Stiletto | |
 | Soulfire Dirk | |
 | Heathen's Book Page | |
 | Recipe: Full Plate Helmet | |
 | Recipe: Drake Leather Armor | |
 | Heathen's Book | |
 | Greater Magic Haste Potion | |
 | Recipe: Aquastone Ring | |
 | Salamander Skin Mail Texture | |
 | Recipe: Dwarven Chain Boots | |
 | Salamander Skin Mail | |
 | Asofe | |
 | Recipe: Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt | |
 | Spellbook: Servitor Cure | |
 | Spellbook: Servitor Empower | |
 | Robe of Seal Fabric | |
 | Robe of Seal | |
 | Dark Screamer Edge | |
 | Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Con-3> | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) | |
 | Composite Boots Part | |
 | Grace Dagger Edge | |
 | Composite Boots | |
 | Mithril Gauntlets | |
 | Mithril Gauntlets Design | |
 | Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-3> | |
 | Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Str-3> | |
 | Grace Dagger | |
 | Dark Screamer | |
 | Horn of Glory Fragment | |
 | Horn of Glory | |
 | Recipe: Moonstone Earring | |
 | Mithril Boots Design | |
 | Chain Boots Part | |
 | Karmian Boots Fabric | |
 | Plate Leather Boot Lining | |
 | Dwarven Chain Boots Part | |
 | Boots of Seal Pattern | |
 | Reinforced Mithril Gloves Design | |
 | Chain Gloves Design | |
 | Karmian Gloves Fabric | |
 | Mithril Boots | |
 | Chain Boots | |
 | Karmian Boots | |
 | Plated Leather Boots | |
 | Dwarven Chain Boots | |
 | Boots of Seal | |
 | Reinforced Mithril Gloves | |
 | Chain Gloves | |
 | Karmian Gloves | |