| Adena | Shade Horror Lvl. 17, Sukar Wererat Lvl. 18, Sukar Wererat Leader Lvl. 19, Dark Terror Lvl. 16, Dre Vanul Tracker Lvl. 20, Mist Terror Lvl. 15, Baraq Orc Fighter Lvl. 10, Baraq Orc Warrior Leader Lvl. 11, Dungeon Skeleton Archer Lvl. 13, Dungeon Skeleton Lvl. 12, Dread Soldier Lvl. 14 |
 | Coal | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom Chain | |
 | Recipe: Varnish of Purity | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%) | |
 | Ring of Wisdom | |
 | Cat's Eye Earring | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom | |
 | Thread | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Leather Helmet Design | |
 | Skeleton Buckler | |
 | Recipe: Iron Hammer | |
 | Round Shield | |
 | Leather Helmet | |
 | Stem | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | Haste Potion | |
 | Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%) | |
 | Bone Gaiters | |
 | Cotton Pants | |
 | Bone Breastplate | |
 | Cotton Shirt | |
 | Scroll of Escape | |
 | Oriharukon Ore | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Single-Edged Jamadhr | |
 | Antidote | |
 | Charcoal | |
 | Suede | |
 | Recipe: Piece Bone Breastplate | |
 | Recipe: Greater Soulshot (D) Compressed Package (100%) | |
 | Forest Bow Shaft | |
 | Recipe: Sword Breaker | |
 | Forest Bow | |
 | Recipe: Necklace of Wisdom | |
 | Leather Stocking Pattern | |
 | Leather Tunic Pattern | |
 | Leather Stockings | |
 | Leather Tunic | |
 | Recipe: Leather | |
 | Broadsword Blade | |
 | Broadsword | |
 | Recipe: Leather Gloves | |
 | Fist of Butcher | |
 | Fox Claw Gloves | |
 | Recipe: Leather Helmet | |
 | Hunting Bow | |
 | Cedar Staff Head | |
 | Cedar Staff | |
 | Dwarven Mace | |
 | Buckler | |
 | Wooden Helmet | |
 | Recipe: Short Spear | |