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Millennium Love

Lilith has pined for her lost love for over a thousand years in the temple of Talking Island. She lost her lover, Theon, in the war against Beleth. Because his body was never recovered, she has never accepted his death. She asks you to look for him on your way to Gludio.


  1. Talk to Lilith. She gives you
    Icon Item Lilith's Letter
    Lilith's Letter
  2. Take the boat to Gludin.
  3. Talk to Master Baenedes. He asks you deliver a
    Icon Item Theon's Diary
    Theon's Diary
    to Lilith.
  4. At some point return to Talking Island.
  5. Deliver the Diary to Lilith, for a 3000 EXP and
    Icon Item Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade
    Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Whereabouts of the Lost Lover
    Lilith has pined for her lost love for over a thousand years in the temple of Talking Island. She lost her lover, Theon, in the war against Beleth. Because his body was never recovered, she has never accepted his death. She asks you to look for him on your way to Gludio.
  2. Lover's Diary
    Master Baenedes bears a remarkable resemblance to Theon. He was one of his best students, and learned to use both the sword and bow from him. Sadly, Theon passed away to be with Eva several years ago. Baenedes asks you to deliver Theon's diary to Lilith.
Quest Facts
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