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Dwarven Kinship

The Dwarven Warehouse Freightman Collette misses her friends and asks you to deliver a letter to Warehouse Keeper Haprock in Gludio Castle Town.


  1. Talk to Warehouse Freightman Collette. She gives you
    Collette's Letter
    to deliver in Gludio.
  2. Deliver the Letter to Warehouse Keeper Haprock. He will then give you
    Norman's Letter
    to take to Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin. You will also get
    as partial payment.
  3. Give this letter to Warehouse Keeper Norman for the remaining

Steps from the game client

  1. Letter of Greetings?
    The Dwarven Warehouse Freightman Collette misses her friends and asks you to deliver a letter to Warehouse Keeper Haprock in Gludio Castle Town.
  2. Letter of Greetings? Really?
    Haprock thanks you for delivering the letter to him. He asks you to deliver a letter to Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin Village. The letter is supposed to be from Norman's wife, longing for him in his hometown... Do you believe him…?
Quest Facts
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