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Trial of the Seeker

Quest to acquire occupation change item, 'Mark of the Seeker.' Master Dufner has sensed an evil in the realm of spirits. To look for clues, he is seeking a Warrior who has great evasion and scouting skills. By helping him uncover this incident you may earn the mark of the seeker. Master Dufner gives a letter telling you to visit a guy named 'Hawkeye.'


  1. Talk to Master Dufner (Giran).
  2. Talk to Master Terry (Dion).
  3. Talk to Master Terry.
  4. Kill Ol Mahum Captain to collect
    Icon Item Ol Mahum Runestone
    Ol Mahum Runestone
    . By l2hub
  5. Kill Ant Captain to collect
    Icon Item Ant Runestone
    Ant Runestone
  6. Talk to Master Terry.
  7. Talk to Trader Viktor. Tell him the name, "Alterbar Karrios". By l2hub
  8. Kill Medusa to collect
    Icon Item Medusa Scales
    Medusa Scales
  9. Talk to Trader Viktor.
  10. Talk to Magister Marina. By l2hub
  11. Talk to Master Terry.
  12. Kill Leto Lizardman Warrior to collect
    Icon Item Abyss Runestone
    Abyss Runestone
    . By l2hub
  13. Talk to Master Terry.
  14. Talk to Master Dufner, for 72126 EXP, 11000 SP and
    Icon Item Mark of Seeker
    Mark of Seeker
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Quest to acquire occupation change item, 'Mark of the Seeker.' Master Dufner has sensed an evil in the realm of spirits. To look for clues, he is seeking a Warrior who has great evasion and scouting skills. By helping him uncover this incident you may earn the mark of the seeker. Master Dufner gives a letter telling you to visit a guy named 'Hawkeye.'
Quest Facts
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