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Test of the Reformer

Quest to acquire occupation change item, ‘Mark of the Reformer.' Ask Priestess Pupina about the problems related to the Order of Einhasad, and he will answer that most of the Priests are concerned with the same question. She advises you to visit the Execution Grounds of Dion to look for answers. As per the Priestess's orders, defeat the ‘nameless spirits' of the Execution Grounds. You must use the Disrupt Undead skill for the final blow.


  1. Talk to Priestess Pupina (Giran).
  2. Kill Quest Monster Nameless Revenant. Kill them till get
    Icon Item Ripped Diary
    Ripped Diary
    and Quest Monster Aruraune will respawn.
  3. Talk to Preacher Sla. By l2hub
  4. Talk to Katari.
  5. Talk to Katari.
  6. Kill Quest Monster Ol Mahum Betrayer (Use unknown:{skill:1201} to hold him down) to collect
    Icon Item Letter of Betrayer
    Letter of Betrayer
    . By l2hub
  7. Talk to Katari.
  8. Talk to Preacher Sla.
  9. Talk to Kakan.
  10. Kill Quest Monster Crimson Werewolf (You can only use unknown:{skill:1177}).
  11. Talk to Kakan. By l2hub
  12. Talk to Nyakuri.
  13. Talk to Nyakuri.
  14. Talk to Ramus.
  15. Kill Silent Horror to collect
    Icon Item Bone Fragment
    Bone Fragment
    . By l2hub
  16. Kill Skeleton Lord to collect
    Icon Item Bone Fragment
    Bone Fragment
  17. Talk to Ramus. By l2hub
  18. Talk to Preacher Sla, for 28000 EXP, 3600 SP and
    Icon Item Mark of Reformer
    Mark of Reformer
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Quest to acquire occupation change item, ‘Mark of the Reformer.' Ask Priestess Pupina about the problems related to the Order of Einhasad, and he will answer that most of the Priests are concerned with the same question. She advises you to visit the Execution Grounds of Dion to look for answers. As per the Priestess's orders, defeat the ‘nameless spirits' of the Execution Grounds. You must use the Disrupt Undead skill for the final blow.
Quest Facts
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