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Bring Wolf Pelts

Sir Windawood asks Trader Lector to create leather equipment for the militia. Lector is a great tailor, but is short of materials. He asks you to collect forty wolf pelts and bring them to him right away.


  1. Talk to Trader Lector.
  2. Kill Wolf and Elder Wolf to collect
    Icon Item Wolf Pelt
    Wolf Pelt

Steps from the game client

  1. Wolf Pelts
    Sir Windawood asks Trader Lector to create leather equipment for the militia. Lector is a great tailor, but is short of materials. He asks you to collect forty wolf pelts and bring them to him right away.
    Icon Item Wolf Pelt
    Wolf Pelt
  2. Return to Trader Lector
    You've collected 40 wolf pelts.Take them to Trader Lector so he can make leather armor for the militia.
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