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Destroy Plague Carriers

The ratmen, known by Elves as “the plague carriers,” were responsible for an epidemic in the Elven Forest and once fought on the side of the Dark Elves. Understandably, the Elves harbor great bitterness towards them. Master Ellenia asks you to kill the ratmen that are nesting in the Elven Underground Fortress. You must especially destroy Varool Foulclaw, their boss, and bring her back his fangs as proof. She has promised you a reward. Hunt the sukar wererats, the sukar wererat leaders and Varool Foulclaw.


  1. Return to Master Ellenia, and get it as a reward: -
    Icon Item Adena
    for each
    Icon Item Wererat's Fang
    Wererat's Fang
    Icon Item Adena
    Icon Item Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    Varool Foulclaw's Fang
    If you bring more than 10 pieces, you will additionally receive
    Icon Item Adena
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Plague Carriers
    The ratmen, known by Elves as “the plague carriers,” were responsible for an epidemic in the Elven Forest and once fought on the side of the Dark Elves. Understandably, the Elves harbor great bitterness towards them. Master Ellenia asks you to kill the ratmen that are nesting in the Elven Underground Fortress. You must especially destroy Varool Foulclaw, their boss, and bring her back his fangs as proof. She has promised you a reward. Hunt the sukar wererats, the sukar wererat leaders and Varool Foulclaw.
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