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Under the Shadow of the Ivory Tower

Magic Trader Cema asks you to collect nebulite orbs by killing monsters in a crater near the Ivory Tower of Oren. Dwarven Collecter Marsha and Collector Trumpin were originally hired to do this work but Cema has not heard from them since they left. While collecting the orbs, if you happen to run into them, ask them what happened. Hunt manashen gargoyles, enchanted monster eyes, enchanted stone golems and enchanted iron golems.

Steps from the game client

  1. Nebulite Orb
    Magic Trader Cema asks you to collect nebulite orbs by killing monsters in a crater near the Ivory Tower of Oren. Dwarven Collecter Marsha and Collector Trumpin were originally hired to do this work but Cema has not heard from them since they left. While collecting the orbs, if you happen to run into them, ask them what happened. Hunt manashen gargoyles, enchanted monster eyes, enchanted stone golems and enchanted iron golems.
Quest Facts
  • Quest ID: 343
  • Repeat: No
  • Location:
  • Start NPC:
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