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Укрепленная Кожаная Рубаха

Укрепленная Кожаная Рубаха
Укрепленная Кожаная Рубахаd
Верх / Легкая броня
Физ. Защ.:73
Вес :4570
Produces the following effects when worn with reinforced leather gaiters and reinforced leather boots: MP +80.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 394
  • Англ. название: Reinforced Leather Shirt
  • Базовая цена: 152 000
  • Кристалл: D-Ранг count: 276
Калькулятор Кристаллов
Цена предмета:
Цена 1 Кристалл: D-Ранг:
ПредметФиз. Защита.КристаллыШанс
Reinforced Leather Shirt
74287 / 0100%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
75298 / 0100%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
76309 / 0100%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
79342 / 20466.67%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
82375 / 23733.33%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
85408 / 27025%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
88441 / 30320%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
91474 / 33616.67%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
94507 / 36914.29%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
97540 / 40212.5%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
100573 / 43511.11%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
103606 / 46810%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
106639 / 5019.09%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
109672 / 5348.33%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
112705 / 5677.69%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
115738 / 6003.57%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
118771 / 6333.33%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
121804 / 6663.13%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
124837 / 6992.94%
Reinforced Leather Shirt
127870 / 7322.78%