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Абсолютная Защита

Абсолютная Защита
Абсолютная Защита
Instantly increases P. Def. and M. Def. significantly. User must remain still while it is in effect. Power 2.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 110
  • Skill Level: 2
  • Англ. название: Ultimate Defense
  • Type: A2
  • MP Consume: 41
  • HP Consume: 0
Абсолютная Защита
Instantly increases P. Def. and M. Def. significantly. User must remain still while it is in effect. Power 1.
Абсолютная Защита
Instantly increases P. Def. and M. Def. significantly. User must remain still while it is in effect. Power 2.