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Удар Молнии

Удар Молнии
Удар Молнии
Strikes down with lightning. Temporarily paralyzes the target. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Power 89.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 279
  • Skill Level: 2
  • Англ. название: Lightning Strike
  • Type: A2
  • MP Consume: 58
  • HP Consume: 0
Удар Молнии
Strikes down with lightning. Temporarily paralyzes the target. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Power 82.
Удар Молнии
Strikes down with lightning. Temporarily paralyzes the target. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Power 89.
Удар Молнии
Strikes down with lightning. Temporarily paralyzes the target. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Power 96.
Удар Молнии
Strikes down with lightning. Temporarily paralyzes the target. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Power 102.
Удар Молнии
Strikes down with lightning. Temporarily paralyzes the target. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Power 108.