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Грипп Горячих Источников

Грипп Горячих Источников
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Atk. Spd. is temporarily increased. Effect 1.
Type: Active
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  • Skill ID: 4553
  • Skill Level: 1
  • Англ. название: Hot Springs Flu
  • Type: A2
  • MP Consume: 69
  • HP Consume: 0
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Atk. Spd. is temporarily increased. Effect 1.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 2.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 3.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 4.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 5.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 6.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 7.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 8.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 9.
Грипп Горячих Источников
Infected with Hot Springs Flu. Temporarily, Atk. Spd. is increased and P. Atk. is decreased. Effect 10.