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Cave of Trials

Location Facts
  • Level: 10 - 39
Iron OreIron Ore
Blue Diamond Necklace GemBlue Diamond Necklace Gem
Recipe: Short SpearRecipe: Short Spear
Recipe: Silver MoldRecipe: Silver Mold
Undead Slave Lvl. 19
Recipe: Synthetic CokesRecipe: Synthetic Cokes
Undead Slave Lvl. 19
Necklace of Wisdom ChainNecklace of Wisdom Chain
Undead Slave Lvl. 19, Kuruka Ratman Lvl. 16
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Grave Keeper Lvl. 13
Grave Keeper Lvl. 13
Recipe: Sword of ReflectionRecipe: Sword of Reflection
Grave Keeper Lvl. 13
Recipe: SaberRecipe: Saber
Recipe: TridentRecipe: Trident
Iron Hammer HeadIron Hammer Head
Recipe: Soulshot: D GradeRecipe: Soulshot: D Grade
Recipe: Compound BraidRecipe: Compound Braid
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity
Recipe: Composition BowRecipe: Composition Bow
Round ShieldRound Shield
Leather Helmet DesignLeather Helmet Design
Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potion
Recipe: Wooden ArrowRecipe: Wooden Arrow
Dirk BladeDirk Blade
Leather Shoes TextureLeather Shoes Texture
Recipe: CokesRecipe: Cokes
Haste PotionHaste Potion
Cotton PantsCotton Pants
Recipe: Piece Bone BreastplateRecipe: Piece Bone Breastplate
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Necklace of Anguish ChainNecklace of Anguish Chain
Recipe: Forest BowRecipe: Forest Bow
Crypt Horror Lvl. 15
Ring of AnguishRing of Anguish
Crypt Horror Lvl. 15
Recipe: Necklace of WisdomRecipe: Necklace of Wisdom
Crypt Horror Lvl. 15
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Recipe: Iron HammerRecipe: Iron Hammer
Ghost Lvl. 20
Necklace of WisdomNecklace of Wisdom
Ghost Lvl. 20
Ghost Lvl. 20
Recipe: Mithril DaggerRecipe: Mithril Dagger
Elven Ring PieceElven Ring Piece
Elven Earring BeadsElven Earring Beads
Recipe: Mithril RingRecipe: Mithril Ring
Elven Necklace BeadsElven Necklace Beads