HUDAbout Us


Location Facts
  • Level: 70 - 70
Trader Espen70Elf
Trader Verona70Human
Trader Enverun70Human
Trader Payel70Elf
Warehouse Chief Natools70Dwarf
Warehouse Freightman Kluck70Dwarf
Warehouse Keeper Mia70Dwarf
Head Blacksmith Roman70Dwarf
Blacksmith Morning70Dwarf
Gatekeeper Flauen70Elf
Grand Master Marcus70Human
Master Arti70Human
Master Karuna70Human
Master Traus70Elf
Master Naiel70Elf
High Priest Squillari70Human
Priest Ranton70Human
Magister Minevia70Human
Priest Tanios70Elf
Magister Anabel70Elf
Grand Master Xairakin70Dark Elf
Master Brikus70Dark Elf
Magister Xenovia70Dark Elf
High Prefect Tushku70Orc
Prefect Sorbo70Orc
Seer Takina70Orc
Captain Gosta80Human
Guard Dupuis80Human
Guard Kraisen80Human
Guard Timos80Human
Wharf Manager Nedy70Human
High Priestess Morelyn70Elf
Priestess Restina70Elf
Priestess Alicia70Human
Iason Heine70Human
Locksmith Dorothy70Human
Medium Jar70Others
Lottery Ticket Seller70Human
Innadril Manor Manager70Human
Melody Maestro Kantabilon70Dwarf
Symbol Maker Thora70Human
Pet Manager Rood70Human
Priest of Dawn70Human
Dusk Priestess70Dark Elf
Black Marketeer of Mammon70Dwarf
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Event Gatekeeper70Animal
Event Manager Puss the Cat70Animal
Event Manager Roy the Cat70Animal
Event Manager Winnie the Cat70Animal
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Puss the Cat70Animal
Spellbook Seller Ratriya70Elf
Amulet Seller Shitara70Orc
Blueprint Seller Dani70Dwarf
Mineral Trader Raban70Dwarf
Fishermen's Guild Member Litulon70Human
Grand Olympiad Manager70Human
Monument of Heroes 70Others
Event Manager Beryl the Cat70Animal
70Dark Elf
Event Manager70490Elf
Event Manager Puss the Cat70490Animal
Santa Trainee70490Dwarf
Christmas Tree70490Angel