Talk to Trader Mion. She gives you a series of repeated delivery tasks in town which you must complete. (Repeat this step at least five times, and maybe more than twenty).
When you are level 20, talk to Warehouse Chief Moke (Gludin) to become a Scavenger. By l2hub
Steps from the game client
In Search of Master Toma - Part 1
This quest must be fulfilled before transferring to Scavenger class. Collector Pippi of the Dwarven Village encourages all aspiring Dwarves to become Scavengers. To become a Scavenger, you must receive the permission of Master Toma, whose whereabouts are currently unknown. It is said that his younger sister, Trader Mion of Dwarven Village, may know his whereabouts.
In Search of Master Toma - Part 2
Trader Mion promises to find the location of Master Toma. In exchange, you have agreed to help her with her business. She asks you to deliver some items to her customers.
In Search of Master Toma - Part 3
Trader Mion promises to find the location of Master Toma. In exchange, you have agreed to help her with her business. But she is making unreasonable demands.
In Search of Master Toma - Part 4
Take the letter you got from Trader Mion to Master Toma. Master Toma can be found in the Abandoned Coal Mines east of Dwarven Village, the easternmost part of the Dwarven Kingdom, or perhaps somewhere on the northern coast.
Honey Jar Spoil
Master Toma said that if you want to be a scavenger, you must first run an errand for him. He asked you to bring him back five honey jars. You can obtain them by using Spoil on honey bears. You can find honey bears while hunting hunter bears. In order to find hunter bears, start from the western entrance of the Abandoned Coal Mines, then go up north until you reach the area where two shorelines merge. A large population of hunter bears are said to be found in that area.
Monsters to hunt – hunter bears and honey bears.
Monsters to use Spoil on – honey bears.
As your next assignment, Master Toma asks you to bring him 20 tarantula beads. They can be obtained by using Spoil on hunter tarantulas and plunder tarantulas.
Monsters to use Spoil on – hunter tarantulas and plunder tarantulas.
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