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Magical Power of Water - Part 2

You must use the totem you stole from the shaman of Varka Silenos to summon the Spirit of Water and slay it...

Steps from the game client

  1. Varka's Sacred Altar
    Go to the sacred altar of Varka Silenos and use the green totem. A spirit of water will appear. Kill it and obtain the essence of its power! However, if you ever harm a Ketra Orc while carrying out this mission your mark of ally will be downgraded one level and the alliance will be broken. Monster to Hunt - Ashutar, the Spirit of Water
  2. Slay the spirit of water.
    Slay Ashutar, the spirit of water, and steal the source of its power! While carrying out the mission, if you attack a Ketra Orc, this mission will be canceled automatically. Monster to Hunt - Ashutar, the Spirit of Water
  3. Return to the Guide of Dead Souls!
    Take the ice heart of Ashutar and return to Asefa, Guide of Dead Souls. While carrying out the mission, if you attack a Ketra Orc, this mission will be canceled automatically.
Quest Facts
  • Quest ID: 610
  • Repeat: No
  • Location:
  • Start NPC:
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