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Raid Boss - Level 48

Raid Boss - Level 48
Raid Boss - Level 48
A foolish man who could not suppress his powerful yearning to learn the unknown knowledge that humans cannot attain, and tried to learn the dragons' magic by visiting Land Dragon Antharas alone. However, Antharas turned the man into a monster for waking him up. Due to his ugly appearance, the man hates anything beautiful. He curses Antharas with his mouth, but has cowered away from the Land Dragon because he is afraid of the dragon.
Type: Passive
Skill Facts
  • Skill ID: 4849
  • Skill Level: 1
  • Type: P
  • MP Consume: 0
  • HP Consume: 0
Raid Boss - Level 48
A foolish man who could not suppress his powerful yearning to learn the unknown knowledge that humans cannot attain, and tried to learn the dragons' magic by visiting Land Dragon Antharas alone. However, Antharas turned the man into a monster for waking him up. Due to his ugly appearance, the man hates anything beautiful. He curses Antharas with his mouth, but has cowered away from the Land Dragon because he is afraid of the dragon.