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Raid Boss - Level

Raid Boss - Level
Raid Boss - Level
Angel that showed up before the first emperor Shunaiman to overcome the crisis of Shilen’s children. She is called Flame of Sacred Flame or Einhasad’s Messenger. As the Leader of Light that descended on the ground, she led Nephilim and jumped into Necropolis to dislodge Lilim led by Lilith, but got sealed with Lilith. She looks like a beautiful and innocent girl, and is the mortal enemy of Lilith.
Type: Passive
Skill Facts
  • Skill ID: 4898
  • Skill Level: 1
  • Type: P
  • MP Consume: 0
  • HP Consume: 0
Raid Boss - Level
Angel that showed up before the first emperor Shunaiman to overcome the crisis of Shilen’s children. She is called Flame of Sacred Flame or Einhasad’s Messenger. As the Leader of Light that descended on the ground, she led Nephilim and jumped into Necropolis to dislodge Lilim led by Lilith, but got sealed with Lilith. She looks like a beautiful and innocent girl, and is the mortal enemy of Lilith.