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Raid Boss - Level

Raid Boss - Level
Raid Boss - Level
Guardian of the stone made to protect the Elven Ruins which used to be beautiful in the past. He was a guardian created to protect a huge building, but was discarded without having the opportunity to display his ability when Elves gave up the island and left for other places. He is still walking around the ruins which no longer are in need of protection, and punishing the adventurers and grave robbers who enter the ruins.
Type: Passive
Skill Facts
  • Skill ID: 4933
  • Skill Level: 1
  • Type: P
  • MP Consume: 0
  • HP Consume: 0
Raid Boss - Level
Guardian of the stone made to protect the Elven Ruins which used to be beautiful in the past. He was a guardian created to protect a huge building, but was discarded without having the opportunity to display his ability when Elves gave up the island and left for other places. He is still walking around the ruins which no longer are in need of protection, and punishing the adventurers and grave robbers who enter the ruins.